Hart Knowe Trust
The main purpose of the charity is the advancement of education; providing opportunities for training so that the development of human potential will improve the quality of individuals’ own lives and enable them to share the value of what they have learnt.
The Trustees are
Marilyn Harris
Vin Harris
Stanley Wynd
For many years, the Trustees were fortunate to be able to work with their friend and teacher Akong Rinpoche, the eminent Buddhist teacher and Humanitarian. Inspired by his example they aspire to bring inner values to life through practical action.
Aims of the Trust
The advancement of education, the provision of opportunities for training and the development of human potential in order to improve the quality of individuals’ own lives and to enable them to help others.
The relief of poverty and distress of the public and those in necessitous circumstances by the provision of money, food, clothing and other essential items so that their conditions of life may be improved.
The advancement of citizenship or community development and in particular, providing financial assistance to voluntary organisations, charities and social enterprises to further their effectiveness.